Monday, February 19, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Dinner at Sophia's new house.

Carson wrote his name!

We are SO proud of him--and he was SO proud! I was working in my office, when Carson came running in "Look! Mommy! Come see what I did!!"

I hesitated, and walked out. And he showed me his name! We're still glowing about this one! YAY CARSON!!

We're home!!

Check out that tan!

When Mommy and Daddy are in Mexico...

Supposed pictures haven't surfaced, so we're not really sure what Aunt Pam let the boys get away with. But at least we know Wesley enjoyed eating at restaurants!

And playing at the playground....

Carson and Wesley's Very First Eagles Game

What a lucky pair! At only 3 and 1, these two bird-fans attended their first Eagles game (vs. the Falcons on New Year's Eve.) It was really cold, so we didn't stay long. We couldn't believe how much the kids really loved it! (Okay, I was lucky, too. It was my first time at the newish field.)

New Years Eve was completed that evening with dinner with Grammy, who volunteered to watch the boys while Steve and I went out to a party.

The big morning...

They slept in, again! Much to the chagrin of tired parents and aunts. Carson and Wesley didn't doubt Santa had come... and it didn't take long for them to realize they were correct!

(sorry, these pictures are backwards).

Twas the Night Before Christmas...

And the boys were happily wearing their new Mickey Mouse pajamas... that Santa brought early!

Tradition: Cutting down our Christmas Tree

Lots of walking, exploring and playing on a beautiful day. After hours of trekking through the "forest", we finally found our tree.

Hannukah Party/Our Shabbat King

The day of the Chanukah party at school, was also Shabbat (Friday) and Carson happened to be "Shabbat King" that evening. Here he is, with "Shabbat Queen" Caroline and their teacher, Rohna, leading the class in the service.