Thursday, May 31, 2007

The boys at Nana and Pop's new house. This was when the camera passed. So we didn't get any pictures of the house. :(

Carson in his Little Uni personalized shirt

The boys in their new Life is Good shirts

The zoo!

On one of our favorite excursions... a trip to the zoo! This time, it was just Carson, Wesley and me. The week after, we went with friends (and with their camera--no pictures yet.)

The boys insisted that they should look through the cheese... we haven't quite gotten this concept yet.

Wesley loved the turtles.

This picture holds special meaning for us. Not sure if you can read the plaque, but it was dedicated by my dad and uncle in 1956 in memory of their mom, Phyllis Anathan Meyers (Carson and Wesley's Great Grandmother). We try to take a picture there each year.

Easter Morning

Here are the boys, ready to visit PopPop and Gram's house on Easter morning.

The death of a camera

has brought a lull in the updates. There are so many great stories, and I am so sorry that I haven't been keeping this blog up to date. The next few entries will be pictures from April when our camera was on its last leg.

But, celebrate! Our new camera just arrived this week and I'm so excited to break it in. (Not break it... break it in, of course). I'm planning to take lots more pictures this weekend and will update next week. In the meantime, enjoy some highlights from the spring...