Thursday, June 07, 2007

The last day of school

When Carson awoke yesterday, I asked him how he was feeling.

"Sad... no angry," he replied.
"Why do you feel angry?"
"Because its my last day of school."

After dressing, we made pictures for the teachers and went to school. Rather than jumping into the classroom as usual, he held back and want to go home with me. This is very unlike him. But he stayed and, of course, had a wonderful last day in the 3's--and in Rohna's class.

Carson was so fortunate, as were we, to have had Rohna as a teacher. She provided a safe and comfortable environment for him to grow and develop.

Of course, as with all good teachers, she's also prepared him to move on. He'll have a different teacher in a few weeks when he begins camp.

As for Rohna, she'll still be blessed with a Pron, as Wesley begins Rohna's 2s in the fall. We will find out who Carson's 4 teacher will be in August. So curious!


Carson and Wesley are following in the footsteps of family members--they LOVE swimming, and are SO good at it, too!

2 weeks ago, Wesley started floating on his back, unassisted. This is HUGE for a 21 month old!! He "qualifies" for semi-private lessons in the fall (once he is 2). Which RARELY happens, as these classes are usually available only for 3 and up. We have been enrolled in a weekly Parent and Me class since February. Not sure why I'm there any more, he's getting so good.

Carson, who has been taking semi-private classes since February, enrolled in an intense class at WCU that started on Monday. It meets every day for an hour for 2 weeks. Yesterday, only the 3rd day, Carson passed from beginner to advance beginner. To do so, he had to do the following:

-float on his back unassisted for the width of the competition pool
-roll from back to front and front to back, unassisted
-jump in on his own, come up and rotate to his back, all unassisted!

As a reward, Carson jumped off the diving board (not the high dive, but about 4 feet--a regular collegiate diving board) and came back up to the top, again, unassisted!

When it rains, it pours... and its pouring

New camera in hand, I was picture happy all weekend--and so excited to share our recent shots. Alas, the computer died. D-I-E-D. As in, the hard drive, and everything on it are gone.

So, if you don't hear from me for a while, its because I don't have your contact info. Biggest lesson... stop what you are doing. Stop reading our blog. Right now! and back up your files!!!

I'm really fortunate that our best pictures over the past few years are here and in my snapfish account. So pictures weren't really lost. And my financial records are all at the bank and on paypal. I lost all of my documents (yikes! That includes articles written, the outline for my first book that I was getting ready to submit and financials, contact info and ordering information for Precious Personalities) and all of my Outlook files--my calendar, address book, e-mails, etc.

Why are you still reading this? Back up, back up, back up!!