Monday, September 01, 2008

Wes woke up on Friday so excited to be 3. Then he went to the bathroom and yelled "DADDY!!! WATER!" A pipe had leaked overnight. about 1/4 inch in the bathroom. Wes' room and the hallway were soaked. So Steve called insurance who sent over an emergency home repair company. They had to break into the garage ceiling and water gushed out. So, now we have super fans and dehumidifiers in Wes's room and the garage. Everything was taken out of Wes' room, including the carpet being pulled up. He's been moved to the guest room. Could have been worse, but its bad. Mostly because the upstairs is SO dry and hot now. They came by Sunday to check the house and there's still too much moisture so the fans/dehumid are here until at least Tuesday.

We skipped Dutch Wonderland on Friday and went Saturday(very fun). Taking advantage of being out of the home, we shopped outlets and got a table at PB. Sunday we thoroughly cleaned Wes' room and a few others. Not exactly what we wanted to do this weekend, but we're making the best of it, I guess.

I just wish it could have been the kitchen. Certainly would have loved HAVING to redo the cabinets and floor in there, rather than Wes' room the garage and the bathroom, which were in perfect condition.

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