Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Happy Chanukah everyone

Carson and I had a great time creating our Menorah today. And he's so proud.

Have a Happy Chanukah everyone!

We're buddies

Thanks Nana!

We had a great visit with Nana before she officially moved to Charlotte to join Pop. The boys really bonded with her and enjoyed every minute.


The day after Thanksgiving, we were in for a special treat. With Pop-pop, we attended a showing of Mickey's Magic Show at the Academy of Music. Our seats were wonderful and we saw an amazing, and truly entertaining, magic show. Complete with some of our favorite characters.

Oooh oooh Eeee Eee!

Just monkeying around!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Santa's here! Recently, we attended a "Here Comes Santa Claus" parade at our local mall.

Such a cute picture

I've been holding off on posting these, because we were debating whether to use some for our holiday card. Enjoy the boys' birthday/fall pictures.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

New words

Wes' latest words: duck, ball, football, banana, milk, drink, cracker (which means either cracker or pretzel), bread and he can say animal sounds for quite a few animals.

He now loves watching Baby Signing Time, too. (Remember to click that link and shop!)So he's picking up quite a few signs: more, please, fish, cat, bird, water, milk. He also responds to even more than that, as he understands the meaning of most signs he's seen.