Saturday, August 18, 2007

Knoebels Grove

With Mommy in NY for work, it was a perfect day to have a lot of fun--boy style! Daddy and Pop-pop took the boys to Knoebels where there were rides and more rides.
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Yes, Pop-pop... this is fun!

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Okay... now its REALLY fun!

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Hmmm... maybe if we think, think, think.

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Just a couple of fish-heads

Obviously, a great time was had. And at the end of the day, thank goodness Pop-pop makes a good cushion for a sleepy Wesley!
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Squeaky Clean!

Shining Happy Brothers

Future Chef

Seriously, one of the greatest Christmas/Hannukah presents ever was the kitchen. Thanks Santa! The chef-gear is from and the table is a Jennifer DeLonge.

Happy Fourth of July!

Carson and Daddy went on the super huge slide! Then, Wesley joined Carson on a "roller coaster!" (You should see the other pictures... let's just say it wasn't Wesley's "thing."

Fun with Uncle David

Dave came over for dinner, and brought the boys these great t-shirts! Thanks Uncle David!

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

The boys threw Daddy a surprise breakfast party--so that when Steve came home from the gym, there were streamers, homemade cupcakes and more.

Since that day, Wesley hasn't stopped singing "Happy Birthday."

New computer, new camera... time for an update!

I hate that its already August! Where has our summer gone?

Some general updates...

SWIMMING When I last blogged, I was showing off about our super swimmers. Well, I have even more to share. Both boys are now considered "advanced beginners." Carson and Wesley both jump in and swim under water, coming back up to the top. And they're both excelling at turning over onto their backs when they come up. Carson has started using 'big arms', though he's working to make them much bigger. In fact, on Tuesday, he promised Coach Paul that he would practice using his arms, and there he was, later, in the play pool, practicing! We could seriously stay at the pool all day long!

CAMPThe past 3 weeks, we've had a break from camp. Carson had a wonderful time in Miss Gina's bunk for 3 weeks, and was awarded "Best Entertainer" on his last day. That afternoon at pick-up, he said "does summer start now?" And it did. Next week, he'll be back at camp--this time its Mad Science. He recieved a letter today that he'll be in Miss Amy's bunk with Miss Lauren as his assistant. VERY excited to go.

POTTY Wesley's so proud of going to the potty, most of the time. He's spending afternoons (post-nap until bedtime) in underpants, and keeping them dry. Most mornings he's in a pull-up because he's at the gym in KidZone. But he's often dry then, too. I wasn't putting him in a swim diaper, until the recent parasite scare (the boys don't have it, we were worried.) Now, just to be safe, he's back in a swim diaper, but we're still running for the potty, often. Of course, just like Carson, Wesley has to go to the potty about 10 times before he goes to sleep each night.

Speaking of sleeping, we've had some bedroom changes. Wesley is now in his official big boy bed. 2 Saturdays ago, we took the bunk beds apart and Wesley moved into a bed. He's done a great job. He was quiet a roller with the mattress on the floor, but since moving into the bed, we haven't had any problems of rolling off the bed. We also re-arranged Carson's room, to make it his "big boy room." He has much more play space, a night table with a lamp next to his bed and its brighter in the new arrangement. And I will never have to make a bunk bed again!

Activities. Carson's new gymnastics coach has commented she loves his energy. Of course, with so much energy, its no wonder I have the boys enrolled in so many classes this summer. Wesley loves swimming, and he also enjoyed playgroup and Arts and Crafts (Mommy and Me). This month, he graduates from playgroup and moves into a sports class, and in September he'll join a 2 year old playgroup, Alphabet Soup, where we'll play with the letters. In addition to gymnastics, Carson is enjoying soccer, cooking and swimming. In August, he'll also take Spanish again (he was enrolled in June) and an introduction to Music class.

As always, we keep busy. We're preparing for the boys' birthdays party at the end of the month. And have finally chosen a date to visit North Carolina (in September.)

As always, I'm going to promise to be better about updating this blog. I love doing it, but I don't know where the time goes. enjoy the new pictures!