Friday, June 09, 2006

Wes' 9-month well-visit.

We saw Dr. Alex today. Wesley was most agreeable throughout the apppointment, though a little more clingy. Gotta love the separation anxiety!

Our little guy weighed in at a whopping 19 pounds 10 ounces, putting him 35% on the "scale." He is 28 inches (40%) and his head measured 18 inches (60%). A very healthy guy!

For the most part, all is well. We are a little concerned about a heart murmur. Dr. Alex believes it to be innocent, but Steve and I have decided to take Wes to a Pediatric Cardiologist, and we're waiting for the doctor's office (CHOP, of course) to call back with an appointment time. Most likely, this will push back his surgery that was scheduled for next Thursday. But if the Dr. Donner can see Wes before Thursday and sees no problem with the anesthesia, then the surgery will proceed as planned.

I'm trying very hard to not panic and read all the research on the web. Here's a link if you are interested in learning more. We're fairly certain this will be innocent, but we'd rather be safe and have a specialist check it out.

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