Sunday, September 17, 2006

A week of first days

Carson is back at school now. He's in the same class as last year, with the same teacher, and happy as can be. 3 days a week is very exciting for him. Every other night when I tell him he has school tomorrow, he says, "again!?" Here he is on his first day.

He also started his second session of gymnastics last week. He BEGGED to attend. Even if he could only do one activity, he chose gymnastics. Last Sunday, while Steve was flipping through the stations during halftime, he came across the world championships for Mens' Gymnastics. Carson started trying to do everything they were doing. Steve, being a fantastic father, kept the championships on so that he could watch.

So, on Thursday I took him to class. The ratio was fantastic. There are 8 children, 7 of whom were there. With 2 coaches, Carson's group had only 3 children and one coach. He's in the "older" group, which one of the parents in the waiting room explained as more advanced... or taller? After the 45 minute class, Carson came out SO excited, exhausted and sweaty. He had an amazing time.

The rest of the day (and week) Carson has been showing us his somersaults. Know what? They're REALLY good! The night before he went he would get in the "ready position" and fall to the side. After just 45 minutes of class, he pushes off his feet and rolls straight ahead.

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