Friday, February 27, 2009

Carson will be 5.5 tomorrow

and he hasn't stopped reminding us. I don't know? Do we make a half a cake? Get half cupcakes? Pour half a cup of milk? And what about gifts? Well, he thought that for sure he'd get at least a tiny gift. Um, no. Nothing planned.

And since Wes will be celebra (that's celebrating, but only half of it) his 3.5 birthday on Sunday (hey, when you're born on August 29, you get to celebrate with a lot of other people on March 1, huh?) he's been making his birthday list. Except, like every 3.5 year old he thinks his birthday list means he'll be getting everything that's on there. And, therefore, all those Christmas catty's that we thought we recycled 2 months ago? They've resurfaced.

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