Saturday, July 25, 2009


Wes is, quite frankly, loving the attention his cast is getting. Its Phillies red (by choice, of course) and decorated with Casttoos that Steve found online and ordered as a surprise. What a great look. All he needs is an autograph or two from his idols.

So... incase you haven't heard, Wes fell from a treehouse, about 6-7 feet high, last Sunday. He was trying to closing the trap door as he was climbing down a rope ladder. The door hit him on his head, causing him, of course, to lose footing. Daddy was a hero taking Wes from the friend's house to Pioneer Urgent Care to Paoli, where i met them.

What a trooper Wes was! Exhausted, he met a doctor, then went for xrays and a CT scan. His head was fine, just as we expected. But his right wrist has 2 buckle fractures--both the ulna and the radius are broken. He was splinted at the hospital, and then we saw an orthopedic surgeon the next day for the cast. (Which is a full arm--past his elbow).

Yes, its his right hand. Which means not only is he learning to be a lefty for 3 weeks, but he has lost his "sucking thumb" as he's always told us his left thumb "doesn't work." Looks like he's weaning the thumb before his fourth birthday.

Cast is scheduled to come off on August 10--we'll see if the thumb makes it back to his mouth then.

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