Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmukkah, part 1

So, as a genuine round-up, our holiday season was long and bright. Beginning with a fantastic trip to Charlotte (see below) for Thanksgiving, we ushered in Chanukkah the following weekend. And right in the middle of lighting candles, we found a tree, trimmed it and began belting out as many Christmas songs as we could... all the time.

Following a quiet week of riding around the tree... not to mention the house (Carson and Wesley were gifted a Balance Bike and a Scooter, respectively, for Chanukkah), we were ready for excitement as Christmas truly came upon us. Ever so excited, Mommy and Santa had finished not only shopping, but wrapping early.

Until Friday night before Christmas. When, at the dinner table, Darling Daddy said to Wesley, Wes, what do YOU want for Christmas.

Wes took on a stern look, thinking, thinking, "hmmmm... a 'pop goes the weasel toy!'" (uh oh.)
"Anything else?"
Wesley furrowed his brow and thought. And thought. And thought. "Hmmmm... A new coat!" (double uh oh).

Off I went, Friday before Christmas, to buy Wes' additional gifts. Which were from Mommy and Daddy and 2 of his faves.

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