Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Carson's ear tube fell out

Carson's been responding to nearly all of our requests with "HUH?" lately. We weren't too sure if this was a space filler as he thought of an answer, a bad habit, or if he really couldn't hear us. But about a week into the "huhs" we noticed a lot of earwax coming out of his left ear.

Today, I noticed a HUGE chunk.... and when I dug it out of his ear (no, I didn't reach in, it was already visible)... TADA! its a little tube surrounded by dark, hard, chunky wax!

I called the ENT's office and the nurse reassured me that this is fine. There is no need for him to come in to see Dr. Tom right away. Infact, since it did fall out, she and I both expect that his hearing will now return towards normal. She said its likely that the tube had already loosened and was working its way, with the wax, through the canal and out during the past few weeks, and that is possibly what caused the "huhs?"

I'm making an appt. to see the pediatrician before we go away next week for a quick check on the fluids. And for the flight we'll give him Dimetapp before we leave and then he'll drink and eat during take-off and landing.

For anyone interested, I kept the tube in an envelope. I think I'll put it in his babybook (ewwww... gross... disgusting!) No, I'm kidding. But if you want to see it, I do have it and can always take a picture. :)

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