Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Wesley's official first word: Uh-oh!

He started saying it yesterday... he's very into dropping and saying uh-oh and dropping. You know the game. At lunch today, I was trying to feed him yogurt and he kept shaking his head (something we realized recently that Carson still can't really do). But today while shaking his head, he said "no." !!!! He's also been saying "dadadadadadadada" for a little over a week--he just loves his Daddy!

In other milestone news, Wes is pulling himself up a little bit and crawling faster and faster. He follows Carson everywhere and waits and watches just to see Carson do something that makes him laugh.

Wes is loving foods--anything we can eat, he wants to. Still doesn't have teeth, though, so its still a bit of a challenge.

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