Saturday, May 06, 2006

Potty Training Update

Friday was great--Carson even went poopy in the potty, he was so proud! He did have 3 accidents, but that's expected, no one is perfect. He earned a matchbox car (which Steve gave him with a whole race course set that's really for kids 7+ but he thinks is so cool.)

Today was even better! The only accident was a poopy that happened outside when he was playing. Carson wore underpants to soccer and Steve ran with him to the bathroom in the middle of the class (Carson used a urinal!!) And then they went to a "carnival" party -- no accidents! Again, tonight, he's in his undies!! His goal today was 8 times, so he earned bubbles (again, his choice.)

Tomorrow I think we'll make his prize more underpants!! This is just unbelieveable to me. Its so quick! My little boy is growing up.

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