Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hmmm... is that a diaper on the floor?

So, I suppose its normal, but Carson has taken to taking off his diaper at night and naptime. He tells us it hurts. And the past 2 nights, Steve's gone to check on the him at night, and there has been a diaper on the floor. Carson's pajamas are pulled up, but there's just skin underneath. So, both nights Steve has taken Carson to the bathroom and Carson's been really proud that he went in the "potty." And he's been dry!

During naptime, we're just letting Carson sleep without a diaper, and praying that he will wake up before he needs to go.

I'm biting my tongue... but so far so good... knock wood.

Is this reverse potty training?

When he wasn't napping this afternoon, he still didn't want the diaper on. And I ended up running around the house with the carpet cleaner in my hand. Cleaning.

Who's ever heard of a kid who is trained when he sleeps but not when he's awake? Comments are welcome!!!


Julie said...

YAY Devon!! I'm so impressed you commented (and honored!!) Thanks for the input. We're going diaperless today. See my post above

Anonymous said...

Julie he is taking after his wonderful aunt Pam! Just think if he is like me in this way than he might take after me in other ways...you and Steve are so lucky! Yes, I too trained myself at night (just ask mom) but I was only 18 months old...don't worry I know he will catch up. :)

Julie said...

He's done! Totally trained. Wahoo!!

Anonymous said...

I guess Mom and Dad do know something about kids...Didn't they say when he was ready he would do it?