Saturday, May 06, 2006

We've been hit

with Croup. Friday morning, Wesley was scaring Steve and me so much that we brought him into bed--his breathing was terrible. Went to the pediatrician around noon and, that's right, he has croup. He was just happy as could be climbing and chatting and grabbing for things at the ped's office. But I hear that its pretty normal for the kids to be happy in the daytime. Believe me, nights are awful!

Last night was really tough. I showered with him around 12:30, after we stuck his head in the freezer. Then Steve took him downstairs to the basement for the temperature change shock. Around 4 am Steve and I took turns in the bathroom with him--we make it such a sauna that its really hard for us to stay in there. After that, he slept with us and had a tough time around 7 am.

Fever reached 100.5 this afternoon and he's due for more Tylenol when he wakes up. He was really lethargic after his morning nap when we went on a walk, but I gave him some water and that helped a lot. He continues to have wet diapers and eat a little now and then.

He'll be better by Wednesday--we ARE going to Florida!

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