Sunday, July 16, 2006

Carson's update

As soon as the 1-week wait from swimming that we endured after Wesley's surgery ended, Carson came down with Hand Foot Mouth Disease. This was not a fun week! Between the late-nights of screaming in pain, and the long, long wait for the blisters to go away, we were all going stir crazy! Carson really only had 3 blisters--one tiny one on the tip of his tongue, one larger one (about a 1/2 cm in diameter) on the front/side of his tongue, and a large on in the back of his throat.

We quickly learned that lollipops are painful, sleepless nights exist even when kids are almost 3, and popsicles and chocolate milk can make an entire diet for 3 days.

We're really lucky that Wes didn't catch it!

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