Sunday, July 16, 2006

Milestones: Wes gets teeth!!

So, along with the sleepless nights that Carson was having, Wes hasn't been sleeping well for about a month or two. But, really, ever since his anesthesia wore off from his surgery, we were noticing lots of screaming and ear holding. Took Wes to the pediatrician on a Tuesday (when we should have taken Carson--we ended up there 3 times that week!) and she said it must have just been a growth spurt, no ear problems, no HFM, nothing...

Hmmm... guess what?! Saturday morning, Wes had a tooth (bottom left)! And just 2 days later, his bottom right was coming up. I got a few last minute pics of him without teeth (will post shortly) and, now, the teeth are here to stay.

And FOOD!!! YUM!! He's an eatting machine! Chicken nuggets, pizza and grilled cheese are some of his favorites. And tonight he gave a big MMMMMM to a cheeseburger bite!

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